Awards Family Business Historical Fiction

Celebrating Success


What does success look like? Like a chameleon, it takes on different colours and forms depending on the time in one’s life. For me, the time may come when being Shortlisted  for an award like the Kobo Emerging Writer Prize may not be enough to warrant the great excitement; the throbbing heart; the near giddy joy that I experienced. That time may come, but for now, I feel amazingly successful. No, I didn’t win the actual prize – that honour went to Claire Battershill with her novel; Circus. Did I still feel like a winner as I chatted with other authors and members of the publishing industry at the awards gala? You bet I did. As an Indie Author, there may have been a few of those in the traditional publishing business who wondered how I came to be there, but I didn’t let that dampen my pleasure. I was shortlisted and forever after I can enjoy that triumph. And… somehow I suspect that the next time I’m shortlisted for something, I’ll be just as giddy.

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